If you’ve not been able to fulfil all of your cat’s needs during lockdown, our veterinary nurses can help you get back on track this month.
If you’ve not been able to tend to all your cat’s usual needs during lockdown, don’t worry, it won’t take long to get things back on track. Clent Hills’ nurses are passionate about cat care and have agreed on the top 10 cat needs they believe owners are looking for help with right now.
If you recently acquired a new feline friend, our nurses can help you give them the best start in their new home with you in Worcestershire.
Register your new cat today.
Clent Hills’ nursing team will take care of a lot of your cat’s preventative healthcare. If you have any questions, just pick up the phone and get booked in.
Top 10 cat needs our nurses can help you with:
1.Not sure how to take care of a cat for the first time? Our nurses can give you specific kitten and adult cat advice, plus, tried & tested ways to help settle-in new pets at home.
2. Talk to our nurses about worm & flea treatments for cats, disease protection options, and the benefits of joining our Pet Health Club.
3. Get advice on nutritious diets to suit your cat’s needs - we stock a range of cat food & cat products. We also do weight reviews & advise on losing extra pounds, or gaining if needed.
4. Learn about oral health with demonstrations on how to clean your cat’s teeth and signs of dental issues to look out for.
5. Cats need and (most) enjoy being groomed. Our vet nurses can show you how to groom your cat, and can clip their nails if they’ve gotten a little out of ‘hand’.
6. Get advice (and post-op care) if it’s time to neuter your cat.
7. Cat microchipping is done by our vets, but our nursing team can book your cat in and scan existing microchips to check ownership information.
8. Cats need human companionship & mental stimulation to be happy & healthy. Our nurses will share their cat enrichment tips with you, so you can give yours a fulfilled life.
9. Veterinary nurses are trained in basic level pet behaviour. If your cat’s developed a ‘lockdown behaviour’, our nurses can also refer them to our veterinary team for advice.
10. Get helpful recommendations on environmental and lifestyle adjustments for senior cats.
If you’re not registered with us yet, or you need help with something that’s not on this list, get in touch and we can help.
Our nurses love cats & kittens! Make their day by sharing a photo of your new feline friend on our Facebook page.