Pet poisons to beware of at Easter

In celebration of Easter and all the yummy treats that come with it, our Bromsgrove 

Vets have pulled together a list of the most common Easter pet poisons to beware of. March is actually Pet Poison Prevention Month, so we hope this list will help you keep your faithful companions safe this Easter! 

In the event of an emergency, call Clent Hills Vets on 01527 889810

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Common Easter Pet Poisons For Dogs & Cats 

It is easy for pets to be tempted by treats, food, and drinks at this time of year – many of which will do them harm. Here are some of the main offenders below - be sure to share this list with your pet-loving friends on Facebook or by email. 

1. Easter chocolate  

How much chocolate is toxic to dogs and cats depends on a wide variety of factors. Chocolate contains the chemical theobromine, which is the poisonous ingredient, and should never be given to pets. Keep chocolate Easter eggs and Easter cakes where your pets cannot get to them. If you are doing an Easter egg hunt, it is best to keep your pets away from the area until you are 100% certain all of the eggs and treats have been removed. If you suspect your pet has eaten chocolate, call us on 01527 889810 straight away. 

2.Raisins & currants  

These are commonly found in hot cross buns and scones and along with most other dried fruit are extremely toxic to pets. Keep these foods out of reach and avoid putting leftovers out for birds as they could end up on the ground where you pets could eat them. 

3. Daffodils 

These striking yellow flowers are synonymous with Easter so it is important to know that daffodils are toxic to cats and dogs when ingested, especially the bulbs. Clent Hills Vets’ nursing team suggests removing daffodil bulbs if you have pets or relocating them to somewhere your pets cannot access. 


4. Lilies 

Easter lilies, tiger lilies, and many other plants from this family are extremely dangerous for pets, especially cats. Pets can be poisoned by ingesting any part of the plant, drinking water from the vase, and even getting pollen on their fur. Poisoning from lilies can be life-threatening so it is wise to avoid them if you have pets. If your pet has a lily emergency, call us quickly on the number above. 

5. Easter grass 

Plastic, decorative grass found in Easter baskets can cause a life-threatening gastrointestinal blockage that is likely to need surgical intervention. Paper grass can cause digestion problems too, especially if eaten in large amounts. It is wise to think about pet-safety when giving or receiving Easter gifts. 

6. Table food & drinks 

Grapes, macadamia nuts, onions, chives, garlic, and foods containing xylitol (an artificial sweetener) are all toxic to pets, and commonly ingested. Some other foods that may not be toxic can still cause an upset stomach that could lead to pancreatitis – especially foods high in fat. Carrots (in small doses), cucumber, and apple (minus the pips) make excellent and safe treats for dogs. Pet biscuits will never fail to impress your pets either. 

7. Garden hazards 

Like many people in Worcestershire, you are probably planning to do some gardening this Easter weekend. Make sure that herbicides, pesticides, and fertilisers are kept well out of your pets’ reach. Clent Hills’ nursing team recommend shopping around for pet-safe options. If you are cutting the lawn this Easter, make sure your pets do not eat the fresh grass cuttings as they can make them very unwell.  

This list is not exhaustive so the general rule of thumb when it comes to Easter pet poisons is to keep harmful substances, human foods, and poisonous plants well out of reach. If you suspect your pet has eaten or come into contact with anything suspect, it is important not to wait for symptoms to show. 

Call us on 01527 889810. 

You can help to spread the word about these and other Easter pet poisons by; 

A) Sharing this article on your Facebook page or by emailing it to your friends 

B) Share your Easter pet poison experiences on our Facebook page.