Healthy Weight for Happy Cats

Is your cat overweight? It’s not always easy to tell by simply looking at them, especially with long-haired breeds where the fluffy appearance may be camouflaging excess body fat.  

Popping them on the scales is a useful starting point but it shouldn’t be used as the only indicator because it doesn’t take into account all aspects of your particular pet, such as age and breed. 

Most veterinary practices will also use a body condition score chart (such as Royal Canin’s Body Condition Scoring Chart below) as a generic guide for assessing your cat’s weight. This can then determine whether your pet needs to gain weight, lose weight, or maintain their weight.

A score of 4 or 5 indicates that your cat is an “ideal” weight.  

It is important for cats to maintain an ideal weight to avoid health issues that can impact wellbeing and happiness. Mobility will be compromised in overweight cats and this can lead to deterioration of the joints in the legs and spine.  

For younger cats, being overweight means that their joints are likely to experience more wear and tear, leading to arthritis earlier. 

Overweight older cats, who may already have arthritis, could find movement painful due to extra pressure being placed on the joints. This reduces your cat’s ability to play and groom themselves, reducing their overall quality of life. 

Being overweight also increases the risk of diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. 

If you are concerned about your cat’s weight you should book an appointment with our team. They will be able to identify or rule out any underlying health issues that could be causing weight gain. We can also provide a healthy meal plan to help your cat attain and stick to their ideal weight.  

Remember, a healthy cat is a happy cat.