Summer care for lizards

The arrival of summer in Worcestershire is eagerly anticipated by numerous individuals. However, it is crucial to acknowledge that this season can present challenges for lizard owners. With rising temperatures, it becomes essential to provide additional care for your pet lizard to safeguard their health and overall well-being. In this article, we share some vital summer care advice specifically tailored for pet lizards.

How to keep your lizard in tip top shape this summer

Provide adequate hydration

In the summer months, lizards face an elevated risk of dehydration due to the combination of high temperatures and dry air. It is crucial to ensure your pet lizard receives sufficient hydration by providing them with a constant supply of clean water. You can consider misting their enclosure with water or offering a shallow dish of water for them to soak in. This will help them stay properly hydrated and mitigate the effects of the hot and arid conditions.

Regulate temperature

Lizards are cold-blooded animals, which means their body temperature is regulated by the environment. During a Worcestershire summer, the temperature can become too hot for your pet lizard, which can lead to health problems. Make sure your pet lizard's enclosure is kept in a cool and shaded area, away from direct sunlight. You should also use a thermostat/temperature controller to ensure that the enclosure stays at a safe temperature range for your pet.

Provide proper lighting

Lizards require UVB lighting to produce vitamin D3, which is essential for their overall health and wellbeing. During summer, the days are longer, and your pet lizard may require more exposure to UVB lighting to produce enough vitamin D3. Make sure your pet lizard has access to a UVB light source for at least 12 hours a day.

Adjust their feeding schedule

In the summertime, the high temperatures can cause a decrease in your pet lizard's appetite. It is crucial to adapt their feeding schedule accordingly by providing smaller and more frequent meals. This adjustment will help prevent overfeeding while ensuring that your pet lizard receives the necessary nutrients to maintain their health.

Clean their enclosure regularly

Summer is a time when bacteria and other harmful organisms thrive, which can lead to health problems for your pet lizard. Make sure to clean their enclosure regularly and replace the substrate (bedding) frequently to prevent the build-up of harmful bacteria.

So, there you have it, an actionable list of what your pet lizard needs during summer. To summarise, summer care for pet lizards involves providing adequate hydration, regulating temperature, providing proper lighting, adjusting feeding schedules, and cleaning the enclosure regularly. By following these simple tips, you can help ensure that your pet lizard stays healthy and happy throughout the summer season.

If you need a lizard vet, please contact MacArthur Barstow & Gibbs who should be able to assist you.